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@echo off
echo Changing file number position in GoPro filenames
echo like this: GXXXYYYY*.* ^<-^> YYYYGXXX*.*
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims= eol=:" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d G???????*.* ????G???*.*') do (
set filename=%%~nf
set firstfour=!filename:~0,4!
set secondfour=!filename:~4,4!
echo %%f ^> !secondfour!!firstfour!!filename:~8!%%~xf
ren %%f !secondfour!!firstfour!!filename:~8!%%~xf
echo Done.

This recipe will help if you got error like this:

Failed: error creating intents to dump: error creating intents for database admin: error counting admin.system.new_users: (Unauthorized) not authorized on admin to execute command { count: "system.new_users"

The one working workaround at this time is (if we using in mongodump user "admin"):

role: 'mongodump_fix_role',
privileges: [ { resource : { "db" : "admin", "collection" : "system.new_users" }, actions: [ "find" ] }],
roles: []
db.grantRolesToUser("admin", [{ role: "mongodump_fix_role", db: "admin" }])

More info:

Warning: When using --rbind, some subdirectories of dev/ and sys/ will not be unmountable. Attempting to unmount with umount -l in this situation will break your session, requiring a reboot. If possible, use -o bind instead.

In the following example, /location/of/new/root is the directory where the new root resides.

First, mount the temporary API filesystems:

# cd /location/of/new/root
# mount -t proc /proc proc/
# mount -t sysfs /sys sys/
# mount --rbind /dev dev/

And optionally:

# mount --rbind /run run/

If you are running a UEFI system, you will also need access to EFI variables. Otherwise, when installing GRUB, you will receive a message similar to: UEFI variables not supported on this machine:

# mount --rbind /sys/firmware/efi/efivars sys/firmware/efi/efivars/

Next, in order to use an internet connection in the chroot environment, copy over the DNS details:

# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf

Finally, to change root into /location/of/new/root using a bash shell:

# chroot /location/of/new/root /bin/bash
Note: If you see the error:

  • chroot: cannot run command '/usr/bin/bash': Exec format error, it is likely that the architectures of the host environment and chroot environment do not match.
  • chroot: '/usr/bin/bash': permission denied, remount with the execute permission: mount -o remount,exec /location/of/new/root.
    • if checking this did not help, then make sure the base components of the new environment are intact (if it is an Arch root, try paccheck --root=/location/of/new/root --files --file-properties --md5sum glibc filesystem, from pacutils)

After chrooting, it may be necessary to load the local bash configuration:

# source /etc/profile
# source ~/.bashrc
Tip: Optionally, create a unique prompt to be able to differentiate your chroot environment:

# export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"

When finished with the chroot, you can exit it via:

# exit

Then unmount the temporary file systems:

# cd /
# umount --recursive /location/of/new/root
Note: If there is an error mentioning something like umount: /path: device is busy, this usually means that either: a program (even a shell) was left running in the chroot or that a sub-mount still exists. Quit the program and use findmnt -R /location/of/new/root to find and then umount sub-mounts. It may be tricky to umount some things and one can hopefully have umount --force work. As a last resort, use umount --lazy which just releases them. In either case to be safe, reboot as soon as possible if these are unresolved to avoid possible future conflicts.

Registers in Vim let you run actions or commands on text stored within them. To access a register, you type "a before a command, where a is the name of a register.

If you want to copy the current line into register k, you can type

Or you can append to a register by using a capital letter

You can then move through the document and paste it elsewhere using

To paste from system clipboard on Linux

To paste from system clipboard on Windows (or from "mouse highlight" clipboard on Linux)

To access all currently defined registers type

Upgrade from 7.2.4 to 7.13 break my eyes.

This colors uses in old Jira:

Header Background Color #205081
Header Highlight Background Color #296CA3
Header Separator Color #2E3D54
Header Text Color #ffffff
Header Text Highlight Color #f0f0f0
Menu Item Highlight Background Color #3b73af
Menu Item Highlight Text Color #ffffff
Button Background Color #3b7fc4
Button Text Color, #ffffff
Link Active Color #3b73af
Heading Color #292929
Link Color #3b73af

Gadget Colors
Color 1 (Default) #3b73af
Color 2 #d04437
Color 3 #ea632b
Color 4 #14892c
Color 5 #205081
Color 6 #654982
Color 7 #707070
